Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Re: unChristian

I just picked up and began reading extensively the new release Unchristian : what a new generation really thinks about christianity...and why it matters, by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons. (Baker Books, 2007) I'm currently reading it for a class research project.  Under normals circumstances I wouldn't do this, but because this book has already completely shaken my world and opened my eyes to issues enormously critical to the health of the Church in America, I want you to read it.  The results of groundbreaking research recently conducted by this team more than surprised me--it made me sick to my stomach.  It's a book that demands action, because what it effectively does is reveal our test scores...and they suck.  

1 comment:

Brokenness-Quebrantado said...

a very eye opener...right? Un libro que te hace abrir los ojos a la realidad.....la pregunta: ¿QuĂ© podemos hacer al respecto?(The question, what can we do about it?)