Monday, September 10, 2007

What is Absolute Truth?

"You do not need to believe in absolute truth to be saved."
-Dr. King

The issue is complex, don't misunderstand me. But, my head spun when I heard this. I'd call it a watershed issue right now in Christianity. We reject postmodernity because they reject "absolute truth." We exalt and defend on all fronts absolute, authoritative Truth. We say we believe in absolute truth because it's our only proof for our belief in the Bible. And this is why in Christian circles, Postmodernity, if talked about, is negative and to be fought. And against these issues, the teacher tonight in my class expressed that postmodernity is a gift to the church and that we as the church need to embrace it. And your reaction? Red flags, right? Because if you're like me, you may have been told what to believe, rather than taught to think critically and creatively.

So think about this: What is absolute truth and why is the denial of it a threat to Christianity? Must a person believe in absolute truth to be saved? What must a person person do to be saved?

So with these questions, I am processing on my blog the information I received tonight. I can see now that Modernity (the scientific, rational, can-be-proven model of thought that brought us to where we are today) was not a friend to the church. Modernity has one absolute truth: "there is no metaphysical truth." (Metaphysical truth is the spiritual truth--it's pretty much what the Bible claims and the concepts we derive from it). Modernity taught us that what can be called truth is anything that you can prove with evidence and reason. Scripture cannot be, and is thrown out.

Perhaps this is why I am so ashamed of the Good News of Jesus...I mean honestly, I am. Modernity has crushed the realm of Supernatural reality out of my usable, everyday existence and subdued it into my private inner world. I'm ashamed because I've been "forced" to think it's not really real; Christianity has resorted to arguing with proof and teaching its people to evangelize in the same manner. And it has left me very discouraged about evangelism. I lack the information. But guess where the power of God lies waiting? Reason? Arguments? Proof ? No. The Power of God lies waiting in the supernatural reality of the Good News. What's my proof? There is none. There never was.

It's because we are saved by faith. We are born into the supernatural family of God by faith. And we live by faith. Paul said it, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe." Believe.

I was challenged tonight to understand the power of God available to his children. Is Salvation truly the work of the Spirit of God using the Word of God to do the work of God? ...So that we might know Him who is true in the most passionate and intimate and fulfilling of all relationships?

Postmodernity comes along and says, "No absolute truth." And if we're listening, I learned that this means they embrace metaphysical truth as possible. And if they think it's acceptable, are we willing to share how supernatural Truth has radically transformed our journey in this life?


anna said...


Anonymous said...

you made some good points. im writting a paper of absolute truth and ran across your post when i googled the same topic. ppl do tend to get scared when the good word is put to the question. they act like if they dont know the answer then some how God is no longer as perfect and as all powerful as they thought.